The Scarlet Pimpernel

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am obsessed
with the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Oh, sorry, isn't this Pimpies Anonymous?

Well, anyway, it's true. I am obsessed - and when
I obsess, I obsess quite thoroughly. This site is proof
of the many facets such an obsession can have . . .

To learn about what I consider to be the most
exciting and enchanting book ever written,
check out what I know about the novel . . .

To hear about a true Broadway feast for the eye,
ear, and emotions, go read what I know
about the musical (I warn you, it's not much!) . . .

If you're interested in how this obsession got
started in the first place, and why it has
increased in the past couple of months, read my
personal Pimpernel experience . . .

To lose yourself in a little bit of insanity,
or just to laugh at the strange way my little
mind works, visit the new notebook . . .

Fanfiction is here, courtesy of a new tenant of
mine. Visit Jehan's Poetry Book to see it.

A couple of friends of mine have asked to meet
you. Visit them at Greybrooke Hall, if you would.

If you'd like to see other Pimpernel pages
(with tons more information on the musical
than mine), check out my links . . .

Please, please, please sign my Guestbook!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

I would so much like to have a record of your visit . . .

And, if you're really interested (or else really
bored), go read about me.

Thanks to Enchanted Backgrounds
for all the backgrounds on these pages.

If you have any suggestions for my page, please e-mail me at I would appreciate the input!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

This Scarlet Pimpernel site owned by
Jennifer Jones
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